1. Smarter Drainage and your Personal Data

For Smarter Drainage services, the data controller is Smarter Drainage.

This is our privacy notice for Smarter Drainage. It explains your statutory rights and how we collect and use your personal data. It describes the processing activities that are carried out by Smarter Drainage, the purposes for which these activities are performed and the legal bases we rely upon for these processing activities.

This notice applies to personal data we hold about individuals (such as company directors, or contacts on business accounts), including sole traders and partners. It does not apply to information which we hold about companies and other legal organisations.

We may update this privacy notice from time to time to ensure it is always up to date and accurate. Any changes we may make to our privacy notice will be posted on this page.

You can contact Smarter Drainage’s data protection officer by writing to The Data Protection Officer, The Chequers Whetsted Road, Whetsted, Tonbridge, England, TN12 6SE

You can also contact our data protection officer at info@smarterdrainage.co.uk.

2. Personal Data we Process

We process the following types of personal data:

  • Your contact details: information that allows us to contact you directly such as your name, email address, telephone number and addresses associated with your query.
  • Audio and video recordings, webchats, and contemporaneous notes: records of site visits by our field operations teams, and recordings of some calls to our contact centres.
  • Exercising your rights: if you exercise any of your statutory rights under data protection law, we will keep a record of this and how we respond.
  • Advertising and direct marketing: information about how you respond, or interact with, any direct marketing or advertising communications directed to you, including any requests for these communications to stop.
  • Information about other products and services from Smarter Drainage: including what products and services you have bought, and how you use them.

You are not required to provide to us any of the personal data described above, however, if you do not do so, you may not be able to purchase our products and services, or we may not able to deliver our services to you.

3. What we use your Personal Data for and why

Where we process your personal data because of our contract

We process these items of your personal data to enter or fulfil the contract between us, including to:

Reason or purpose Personal data used
Provide our services to you All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2

Where we process your personal data because we’re legally obliged to.

We process these items of your personal data because we have a legal obligation to, including:

Reason or purpose Personal data used
Assist law enforcement agencies, and other public authorities

The personal data processed for this purpose would depend on the scope of the enquiry, and will be limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose of the request

Where we process your personal data because we have a legitimate interest to

We process these items of your personal data because we have a legitimate interest to do so:

Reason or purpose Personal data used

Improve our Smarter Drainage services

Contact Details
– Information about your job
– Audio and video recordings, webchats, and contemporaneous notes
– Exercising your rights
– Information about other products and services from Smarter Drainage

Improve our Smarter Drainage marketing insight

– Information about your job
– Information about other products and services from Smarter Drainage

Assess which of our products and services may be of interest to you. This includes matching your data with data we obtain from other companies, for example so that we do not advertise to you about a third-party product or service that you already have

All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2

Staff training

All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2
Develop new products and services All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2
Investigating misuse of the service, fraud and debt collection All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2
Prevention and detection of crime All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2
For the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2
Maintain accuracy and relevance of your data All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2

Protection of our staff and customers

All personal information that we collect as listed in Section 2

Assist law enforcement agencies, and other public authorities

The personal data processed for this purpose would depend on the scope of the enquiry, and will be limited to what is necessary to achieve the purpose of the request.

Transfer to a potential purchaser or acquirer of all or part of our business or operations, including due diligence before purchase / acquisition

This will depend on the nature of the transaction, but potentially all personal information we collect as listed in Section 2

Where we process your personal data because you have allowed us to

We process these items of your personal data because you have provided your consent to the processing. You may revoke your consent at any point:

Reason or purpose Personal data used
Direct marketing by us

– Contact details
– Information about your job
– Information about other products and services from Smarter Drainage
– Marketing preferences

Where we process your personal data so you can’t be identified any more

We may anonymise and aggregate any of the personal data we hold (so that it does not identify you). We may use anonymised and aggregated information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our site, apps and developing new products and services.

4. Sources we Collect your Personal Data from

We will collect personal data from a number of sources. These include:

  • Directly from you: when you contact us, purchase products or services from us or our franchisees, submit information via our websites or apps, complete forms we provide to you, enter our competitions and promotions, make a claim, make a complaint, exercise your statutory rights, contact us by phone, email or communicate with us directly in some other way.
  • Our website and apps: we collect information about how you use them.
  • Lead generation providers: companies to which you give contact information, where you give permission for them to pass it on to us.
  • Our regulators: provide us with information about the complaints they receive.
  • Social media: information you submit to our social media accounts.
  • Our business customers: provide us with information about their own customers.

5. Who we Share your Personal Data with Outside Smarter Drainage

We share personal data with the following parties:

Reason or purpose Personal data used

Our regulators

– Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
– Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

Companies that support our business, IT infrastructure and to further understand our customers.

–  Survey Monkey – To answer business questions around customer perception / experience / understanding
– Google Analytics – To analyse, understand the performance of our webpages and users journey
– Trust Pilot – To answer business questions around customer perception / experience / understanding
– Adobe – To analyse, understand the performance of our webpages and users journey

Data and insight providers


Law enforcement agencies and other public authorities

– Police forces

A potential purchaser or acquirer of all or part of our business or operations

Column 2 Value 5

7. Direct Marketing

Email, SMS, post and telephone: from time to time, we and our franchisees may contact you by email, SMS, post with information about products and services we believe you may be interested in. When you call Smarter Drainage, we may also provide you with information about products and services we believe you may be interested in.

If you have not consented to receiving direct marketing, we will only promote them to you when permitted to do so by law, but in all circumstances, we will respect your marketing preferences which you tell us about.

You can let us know at any time that you do not wish to receive marketing messages by sending an email to us at info@smarterdrainage.co.uk. You can also unsubscribe from our marketing by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the marketing messages we send to you..

8. How Long we Keep Personal Data for

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary in order to achieve the processing purposes.

9. Your Rights in Relation to your Personal Data

You may have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

  • the right to be informed about the personal data we collect, how your personal data is being used, and from whom we collect your personal data when we obtain it from other sources;
  • the right to access the personal data we hold about you;
  • the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data we hold about you;
  • the right to request the blocking or deletion of your personal data in some circumstances;
  • the right to request that we port elements of your data either to you or another service provider;
  • the right to object to us processing your personal data ((1) where we have a legitimate interest to do so, as listed in section 3, but your rights override ours based on your particular situation (which you will need to explain to us), (2) where we are processing it for the purpose of direct marketing, or (3) because we are using automated means to make decisions that have a legal or similarly significant effect); and
  • the right to withdraw your consent to those processing activities which we carry out based on consent, listed in section 3.

You only have the benefits of some of the above rights in limited circumstances, which depend on the legal reason why we collected your personal data.

To exercise any of the above rights, or if you have any questions relating to your rights, please contact us by using the details below. We may require evidence of your identity before we are able to complete your request.

10. Getting in Touch

If you have any privacy-related questions or comments, please contact Smarter Drainage’s data protection officer by writing to The Data Protection Officer, The Chequers Whetsted Road, Whetsted, Tonbridge, England, TN12 6SE.

You can also contact our data protection officer at info@smarterdrainage.co.uk

If you are unhappy with the way we are using your personal data you can also complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or your local data protection regulator. We are here to help and encourage you to contact us to resolve your complaint first.

Version 1.2. October 2023